Welcome to
Qur’anic Arabic Class
QAC – in full Qur’anic Arabic Class – opens its doors in April 2021 to all intrigued in learning the language of Qur’an. Catered for beginners, the syllabus is customized in bite sizes, and colorful charts are put together!
Whether you are full-time working, staying at home, or still a student, you may enjoy the journey of learning through live classes, full recordings as well as chat groups with coaches…
We pave the way for you to learn without fear of technical and communication barriers, by the grace of Allah SWT.
Come one, come all… Experience it with us!
Towards Understanding the
Qur’an When I Recite
Your Experience
Easy to understand notes
No examinations & minimal terminologies
Customised learning pace
Classes conducted in English, Malay or mixed
Various support platforms available
Unlimited access to recordings
Comes with textbook, practise worksheets, charts & workbook
Using R.O.L.L. Approach in learning the Divine Language
Recite – gaining the reward of reciting
Observe – identifying the grammar and vocabulary connections
Label – putting the understanding in words
Listen – reflecting the overall message of verses
Making your first step here…
Your Journey

A new learner may experience a broad spectrum journey uniquely designed for beginners. Learners have several options to take upon completion of Foundation level and has the opportunity to go all the way up the ladder ultimately learning the grammar and vocabulary of Qur’an from cover to cover, ayat by ayat and surah by surah, In shaa Allah.
Teaching Team undergoes training and development program guided by Head Coach and Professional Learning Facilitators to equip team with the right requirements.
Providing various learning experience
Your Classes
Frequently Asked Questions
QAC stands for Qur’anic Arabic Class. We offer classes to learn the Arabic language but limited to the usage of Arabic in the Quran. Concepts and tools are simplified to help the audience to understand the Divine Speech.
QAC focuses on learners’ experience. Our home-grown QAC tools and techniques will help a beginner in Arabic and Quran to appreciate the journey
- Terminology-less
- No exams or assignments unless the learner requests
- Assistance from Coaches outside class hours via Telegram
- Classes are run in either English, Malay or both
- Learning channels are made available for graduates/alumni
- Special weekend tadabbur sessions with Coaches may be made upon availability
We make it a more spiritual journey than technical. We will go beyond by discussing the Quranic gems to appreciate this divine communication system.
When you complete all the sessions in QAC Foundation (Level 1), bi idhnillah you would experience:
- Different kinds of words in the Qur’an
- Importance of pronouns for Qur’an study
- Various functions of the most common prepositions and how they make a difference
- Styles of Qur’an sentences and how divine messages are voiced-out or illustrated
- Process to translate simple phrases and simplest forms of ayat
- Grammatical exploration of ayats in the Qur’an, at the basic level
- Usage of dictionaries to search Qur’an words and improve vocabulary
- Understanding Qur’an without memorising much technical terminologies
- Personal engagement with QAC coaches
- Peer review and support
Our courses are suitable for beginners with or without basics in Arabic Language. The only prerequisite is you are able to read the Qur’an* ie recognize the Arabic letters even without understanding the meaning.
*If you are about to embark on a journey of reading the Qur’an with Tajweed, inform our Admin at http://wasap.my/60132412337 to get in touch with Resource Unit.
All classes are conducted live online via Zoom. In addition, access is given to full recording to be viewed if classes are missed.
Classes may be arranged to be onsite, subject to availability.
- By default, the class is conducted in bi-lingual English and Malay
- We don’t speak in Arabic
- All class materials are in English
- Private classes can request language preference – full English or full Malay
When you register, you will be provided with
- QAC Resource Pack which includes Textbook Module, Worksheet Practice and a series of Laminated Charts
- Qur’an Workbook on a specific Surah
You don’t need anything else apart from your own learning needs such as stationeries.
- 5 months course
- 1.5 hours weekly
* Class Days will be arranged by respective Coaches
RM120/month* (duration of 5 months)
*Registration Fee of RM190 (Inclusive of Resource Pack & Qur’an Workbook)
Yes, QAC Team continuously explore how best we can serve our Classmates and Alumni in enriching our linguistic learning adventure.
The Coaches are committed to progress and support via various interactive platforms.